公司代码遇到了 nil pointer 的 panic,结果第一眼看过去,是 protobuf 生成的 GetXXX 风格的代码。

花了些时间写出示例代码,其实也就找到了问题的关键词,剩下的 GPT 就可以帮忙解释了。关键词是: Embedded Struct。


Playground link:

package main

import (

type Foo struct {

func (m *Foo) DoNothing() {
	fmt.Println("Fine here")

type EmbeddingFoo struct {

func main() {
	var varFoo *Foo
	var varEFoo *EmbeddingFoo
	newEFoo := new(EmbeddingFoo)

	fmt.Println("VarFoo: ", varFoo)
	fmt.Println("VarEFoo: ", varEFoo)
	fmt.Println("NewEFoo: ", newEFoo)

	// varEFoo.DoNothing() // will panic here
	// varEFoo.Foo.DoNothing() // same as above

GPT 的解释

The last two commented lines in the Go code will cause a panic because varEFoo is a nil pointer to an EmbeddingFoo struct, which itself embeds a pointer to a Foo struct. When you try to call a method on a nil pointer, Go will panic at runtime.

Here’s a step-by-step explanation in pseudocode:

  1. varEFoo is declared as a pointer to EmbeddingFoo but is not initialized, so it is nil.
  2. newEFoo is initialized correctly using new(EmbeddingFoo), which allocates memory and sets the embedded Foo pointer to nil.
  3. varFoo.DoNothing() works because methods on nil pointers to structs are valid in Go as long as they do not reference any fields of the struct.
  4. newEFoo.DoNothing() works because newEFoo is an initialized pointer to EmbeddingFoo, and the DoNothing method is promoted from the embedded Foo struct.
  5. varEFoo.DoNothing() will panic because varEFoo is nil, and you are trying to call a method on it.
  6. varEFoo.Foo.DoNothing() will also panic because you are trying to dereference Foo on a nil varEFoo.

Now, here’s the explanation in Go comments:

// varEFoo is a nil pointer to an EmbeddingFoo, which means it points to no actual memory allocation.
// Calling a method on a nil pointer will cause a runtime panic.
// varEFoo.DoNothing() // will panic here

// Even though DoNothing() can be called on a nil *Foo receiver,
// varEFoo itself is nil, so attempting to access its embedded Foo (which is also nil) will cause a panic.
// varEFoo.Foo.DoNothing() // same as above

Remember, in Go, you can call methods on nil struct pointers if the method does not access any struct fields. However, if the struct pointer itself is nil, dereferencing it in any way, such as calling a method, will cause a runtime panic.

对于 varFoo 和 varEFoo 都是 nil pointer,调用 DoNothing() 情况不同的更详细的解释如下:

  • varFoo.DoNothing()

    • Check if DoNothing() can be called on *Foo (it can).
    • Call DoNothing() on nil receiver of type *Foo (allowed in Go, no panic).
  • varEFoo.DoNothing()

    • Check if DoNothing() can be called on *EmbeddingFoo (it can because Foo is embedded).
    • Attempt to automatically dereference varEFoo to get to Foo.
    • varEFoo is nil, so dereferencing it causes a panic.

In summary, the panic occurs not because of the DoNothing method itself, but because of the attempt to dereference a nil pointer to access an embedded field’s method.